Voltmeters are very useful instruments for checking the amount of voltage that passes through a circuit. In buying a voltmeter, one of the first considerations is whether you should get an analog voltmeter or a digital voltmeter.
Below is a comparison of these two types of voltmeters.
Analog Voltmeter
This type of voltmeter uses a needle which moves along a scale depending on how much voltage passes through the circuit. There is both an advantage and disadvantage in the way an analog voltmeter displays measured voltage. Reading the display is not as easy as that in a digital voltmeter and could take some getting used to, but it allows you to see even low frequency fluctuations and transients.
Another advantage of an analog voltmeter is that it does not require batteries to operate. However, the needle’s mechanism is very delicate and the voltmeter’s accuracy is compromised if it is dropped.
Digital Display Voltmeter
Aside from being very easy to use, this type of voltmeter is very accurate and gives a more precise reading than an analog voltmeter. Because it uses batteries, many manufacturers have added several features to some of their digital voltmeters. These include automatic power-off, back-lit display, analog bar graph, measurement hold feature, provision for connection to PC, automatic AC/DC voltage detection and measurement switching, among others.
Your choice of voltmeter should depend on your requirements and usage. If you are a non-technical person then a digital voltmeter is a better option. On the other hand, if you are an advanced or professional user then an analog voltmeter is a good choice. If you are torn between these two types of voltmeters, you may want to get one that is both analog and digital. These voltmeters come with both an analog and a digital display.